King Solomon Nickel Project
New Grassroots Nickel Sulfide Discovery at King Solomon
- Rock chip sampling and field reconnaissance started in Spring 2022
- Surface soil sampling and geophysical surveying led to drilling high-grade nickel-cobalt intercept on third drill hole
- Connection confirmed between sulfide minerals at depth and surface soil and rock mineralization tested with 4-hole drill program
- Disseminated and semi massive sulfide intersected throughout drill campaign
- Discovery hole KS22-003:
- 44 m of 0.23% nickel and 0.01% cobalt, including, 17m of .42% nickel and 0.023% cobalt
Next Steps:
- Step-out drilling for growth in summer 2023
- Additional geophysical surveying
- Ramped up regional exploration

Summary of Intercepts - 2022 Drill Program

- Limited 1000m Exploratory Drill Program conducted in 2022
- Anomalous mineralization in all holes
- Discovery Hole KS22-003 Intercepted NiS in magnetite rich ultramafic at 107M (88M true depth)
- 11,000m RC drill program proposed in 2023 to define extent of King Solomon mineralization and to look for possible high-grade zones at depth